Autumn Pet Care Advice (September, October & November)

Autumn is upon us, which means we are in store for dark nights, colder walks, Halloween and fireworks. Whilst there is a lot to enjoy in autumn, there are also many things that pose risks to our furry friends. 

Below are some helpful tips for keeping our pets safe and healthy during the autumnal months. 

Autumn Walks

Autumn months, often bring wet and muddy walks for our four-legged friends, and although this can bring endless amounts of fun with muddy puddles, there are some autumnal walk hazards to keep in mind. 

When planning a muddy walk, always remember to bring a towel so that you can clean and dry those mucky paws and legs once finished. Excessive mud or moisture can cause irritation to the skin and can be tempting for your dog to lick off of their fur.

Blue-green algae is often around in early autumn and is highly toxic to pets, so water ways are best avoided at this time of year.

Fallen conkers and acorns are a key identifier that autumn has arrived, but both of these can cause harm to our canine friends. Conkers and Acrons contain toxins which can cause vomiting, depending on the quantity ingested. Due to their size, they are also a choking hazard and may cause internal blockages if swallowed.

Pet - Autumn walking advice 

Darker Evenings

With autumn, comes the shorter days and longer nights! 

When walking your dog in the dark, it is essential that you and your dog are both visible. Reflective or LED lights should be added onto your dogs collar, harness or lead to ensure they can be seen at all times. 

For cats, it is best to keep them indoors during the darker evenings, this will reduce their risk of being involved in a road traffic accident, as they will be less visible to drivers when it is dark. Relfective collars can also be used for our feline friends too! 

Reflective Collar For Walking Dogs In The Dark

Get Ready For The Spooky Season

Autumn is often known as the spooky season, because of Halloween and bonfire night. Although both of these events can be enjoyable for us humans, it can be a very worrying time for our pets, from the scary costumes to loud bangs.

Halloween top tips: 

  • Walk early to avoid any contact with Halloween trick-or-treaters in their fright-worthy costumes. 
  • Keep Halloween treats out of reach of pets. Some treats, especially chocolate is toxic to our pets. 

Bonfire night top tips: 

  • Walk your dog before dark, to ensure you are not caught out when fireworks start going off. 
  • Provide a safe place for your pet to hide. Dogs often prefer a cosy den, covered at each side, whereas cats feel safer high up. 
  • Often the scariest part of fireworks are the loud, unpredictable bangs. Turn up the TV or radio to lessen the noise of the fireworks.
  • Make sure pets are microchipped, in case they become spooked and run away. 

Fireworks - Pet Advice For Bonfire Night