Useful Links

The internet is an unrivaled source of information on everything and anything. We have discovered some interesting websites which you might find of use, in addition to the pet information we provide on our site.

Animal SamaritansA UK registered charity that re-homes unwanted and ill-treated animals in the South-London and North-West Kent Area.
Animal Blood RegisterYou can help save a cat or a dog's lfe by registering your pet as a potential blood donor today!
Battersea Dogs & Cats HomeAt Battersea we rehome dogs and cats. We reunite them with their owners and we work in the community to educate people about responsible ownership.
The Blue CrossAllows a veterinary service for animals whose owners cannot afford private veterinary treatment with hospitals in Victoria and Hammersmith London and Grimsby.
British Chelonian GroupFor tortoise, terrapin and turtle care and conservation
Cat FancyThe Governing Council of the Cat Fancy; The UK's Premier Registration Body
Cats ProtectionCats Protection rescues and rehomes unwanted and abandoned cats, and promotes responsible cat ownership.
The Cinnamon TrustThe National Charity of the elderly, the terminally ill and their pets
DEFRADepartment for Environment Food and Rural Affairs for information on pet travel
The Destitute Animal ShelterA rescue charity dedicated to caring for the lost, stray and abandoned dogs and cats of the Bolton area. Informative and impressive.
Dogs for GoodHow dogs can change lives. Incredible thinkgs happen when you biring people and dogs together.
Dogs TrustFounded in 1891, Dogs Trust, formerly known as the NCDL, has always campaigned on dog-welfare related issues to ensure a safe and happy future for our four-legged friends.
Essex Wildlife TrustThe aim of Essex Wildlife Trust is to Protect Wildlife for the Future and for the people of Essex.
Guide Dogs for the BlindWe will not rest until people who are blind or patially sighted can enjoy the same freedom of movement as everyone else
Hearing Dogs for Deaf PeopleTrain hearing dogs who transform deaf people's lives
International Cat CareInternational Cat Care is a charity which promotes the health and welfare of cats by making the latest information available to vets, cat breeders and owners.
The Kennel ClubThe UK's lrgers organisation dedicated to protecting and promoting he health and welfare of all dogs.
Missing Pets BureauThe most streamline pet reunification service available today, providing our pet with every possible opportunity to be quickly reunited with you through our Unique ID Tag System.
PDSACare for the pets of people in need by providing free vet services to their sick and injured animals and promoting responsible pet ownership
Pet InsuranceThe most comprehensive pet healthcare insurance information service available.
Retired Greyhound TrustEach year we find thousands of home for greyhounds, making us Britains largest single breed animal charity.
RCVSThe Royal College of Veteinary Surgeons
RSPCAWebsite for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
The Tortoise TrustFor 25 years the Tortoise Trust has consistently developed new methods of husbandry and has actively campaigned for the conservation and protection of tortoises and turtles around the world.
Wood Green Animal ShelterOur vision is of a world where all pets are well cared for in loving homes for life.